With the upcoming release of the Razor Crest and the fact we now have all its pilot and upgrade cards revealed, my mind has turned to theorise about potential lists using the ship and its upgrades!
Because of this, I've had a little guess at the points of each ship and I thought I'd share it with you all so I can go back and see how wrong I was when we get the points released.
My other hope is that by writing this article, the universe will work against me and AMG will release the points and the Razor Crest just before I post this article meaning writing this will be a waste of time I'll have a shiny new Razor Crest...
BUT the fact you're reading this means it hasn't and I'm going to have to keep waiting...
So before I start crying, lets get stuck in:
My predictions for the upgrade slots of the Razor Crest are:
Crew x2
Modification x2
Illicit x1
Title x1
I'm not sure about the double modification slots and we also have a confirmed gunner upgrade, but I feel maybe one of the pilots will have a gunner slot instead of one of their crew slots.
Anyway, moving on to points predictions:

The Mandalorian (Pilot): 54-57 Points
The core pilot of this pack, my personal favourite pilot for the upcoming X-Wing release, I think Mando will be relatively cheap. I got these points value from the closest ship we have to the Razor Crest, the Jumpmaster.
Equally as tough, both ships have meh dials and although the Razor Crest has a stronger front attack, the Jumpmaster can get around its meh dial with its mobile arc.
Overall I'd say the Razor Crest is a stronger ship and worth more, however, the amazing Dengar is only 53 points so I imagine Mando sitting at a similar level.

Q9-0: 50-55 Points
I'm not sure about Zero. His ability seems good, but that strain sits badly with me, then again I was very happy with the ability I made for him so I'm probably just biased... Even then, the fact the barrel roll isn't red means you'll actually be able to use it without it running you for the next few rounds.
Points wise I'd say he's definitely a level down from Mando at about 50-55 points, but it is nice to have a second high initiative pilot in the pack.

Guild Bounty Hunter: 45-49 Points
Although I wish we had more specific pilots like Kuiil or Peli, they wouldn't make sense as we only see Mando and Zero fly the Razor Crest, so this double limited Guild Bounty Hunter is a pretty good compromise.
Its ability is rather good but requires you to spend points on an upgrade you'll never get to use unless you have Jabba around to replenish your illicit upgrades.
I do wonder if this pilot may have access to an additional illicit slot at the cost of a modification or crew slot to help its pilot ability.
I think because of this it's going to sit around 44-49 points.

Outer Rim Enforcer: 43-46 Points
I was about to post this article when I happened to look at my Instagram and see the amazing Racoon Specialist had just posted the last few cards from the pack, so thank you Racoon Specialist!
I had said in that first draft I imagine there will be an initiative 1-2 pilot and if there is it'll be at this cost, so I'm glad to know we can run a generic of the ST-70 Assault ship, especially as I think its going to be the best double crew carrier for a low cost.

Razor Crest: 5-7 points
I like the gimmick of this title, however a gimmick is all it is. The upgrade is set at the beginning of the game, and although you can adjust it to counter different opposing lists, I think it's rare that you will.
So I see this as a good linked evade- barrel roll action and an additional illicit slot so it should be realistically around or a little more than the same points as the most expensive generic illicit upgrade at 5-7 points.

The Child: 3-5 Points
Of course the cutest part of the pack, The Child has a mix of good and bad things going for him. Of course, the two force and inbuilt hate ability are amazing for any ship, unfortunately what brings it down is the lack of reoccurring force and that two of your opponent's ships get to gain free locks on you after shooting.
I think without the negative conditions, he'd be about 7-10 points, but thanks to them he's probably going to be about 3-5 points.

The Mandalorian (Crew): 4-10 Points
I really don't like Mando's crew ability, it's just meh although it does mean The Child will always be able to get force back unless your opponent misses all their shots (which is much better than getting a force back). However that being said, he just gives any ship a white reinforcement!
It's just so good so despite his ability being only worth 1-2 points, the reinforcement means he is a lot more and costs more depending on the agility of the ships:
A0: 8-10 points, A1: 5-7 points, A2/3: 4-5 points.

IG-11: 4-7 Points
This is possibly one of the most fun upgrades in the pack IG-11 is both amazing and hilarious. I'd say because of his ability to cancel 2 critical damage completely he's rather expensive, and if you combine him with Deadman's Switch his demise can be a curse to all your opponents, destroying swarms with ease!

At 4-7 points you can easily put him on a generic YT-1300 with Deadman's Switch and Greedo for around or just under 50 points for a swarm killing bomb, you just have to endure until the end of the round and make sure you're in the right position to deal the devastating blow.

Greef Karga: 9-11 Points
I think Greef is absolutely amazing, not only for standard play, but epic too!
If set up right, Greef can reliability give a ship essentially two actions from a coordinate which is rather helpful in any list. The only issue is setting up your lock in the first place. As Gleb is 6 points and as I think Greef has a much better ability, I'd say he sits solidly around the 10 points.

Kuiil: Points 7-10 Points
On the surface, Kuiil looks broken, the ability to infinitely repair facedown damage cards! How could they allow that!!! And still, give him other bonuses as well?!? However, when you break it down, it's still good, but less beneficial than you think. Firstly you have to be damaged and the more, the better he is, and that's never a position you want to be in. Secondly using your action, yes you could get a focus, but if you have only 1 face down damage, there 50% chance of getting a beneficial effect. Finally is the fact that you only repair on a critical result, that's a 1 in 8 chance, still good, but not broken!
Because of this, he should probably be, 7-10 points and he has spoken!

Peli Motto: 3-6 Points
My wife's favourite part of this pack, and I have to say I'm happy to see her as well!
Her ability pales in comparison to Kuiil, but she's still solid, letting you stay free of all those fuel leaks and other peaky criticals that you really should repair, but never do because the focus token could just be that little better...

Migs Mayfeld: 4-6 Points
As I mentioned earlier, I was certain that the Razor Crest would be gunner free, and I sort of think I still will be, but maybe Q9-0 will swap a crew for a gunner. Mayfeld is an ok gunner letting him perform a second attack, but as it has to be both from a different arc and against a different ship, that also must have a red or orange token, I'd say he's rather cheap at 4-6 points.

Notorious: 4-6 Points
This upgrade is insanely good! Just the first half would have been enough to keep me happy with it as straining an opponent just for shooting you is so good! But the reroll makes this a weaker version of fearless, that also reduces your opponents agility! That being said, it is much more useful for a lower initiative pilot, or at least a pilot running in a list with a low initiative grunt.

Enduring: 2-5 Points
I see this upgrade and I think of poor Zeb in the Attack Shuttle, TIE Fighter and Sheathipede, being the worst of those Rebel ship's pilots. But now there is even less reason to take him as any talented pilot can have his ability but better! Enduring is still very good and keeps on with this pack's overarching theme of endurance and durability.

Tracking Fob: 6-10 Points
I'm going to admit I don't like this upgrade. It seems a little too good, although it is offset by the fact your opponent chooses the target ship. However extreme range locks are something I'd rather they'd kept it to very limited things. Because of this I'm going to say is rather expensive at 6-10 points, but I might just be a little negative.

Burn Out Thrusters: 4-6 Points
Again I'm not sure how to feel about this upgrade. I feel it reminds me a little too much of 1.0s style, but it's not too much of an issue if priced right. The Black One is the same design as this with the massive bonus of removing the disarm token after SLAMing, so although this should be cheaper, I'm going to say it's should be a little more as Black One is limited unlike this upgrade, so the 4-6 mark is about right.
I'd also like to point out that this is probably an upgrade not an illicit because they've been backed into a corner by the Hutt in the room, and it's just another reason to remove him from the game.

Hot Shot Tail Blaster: 3-6 Points
Last but not least, this redo of the 1.0 upgrade is one I think that works really well. It works twice per game, but as it's only 2 attack dice and a limited range, it's really well done. I wish you could pick any of your quadrants and have it locked in that arc for the game, but that's just a small gripe I have with it because that is how I made my custom version a while ago. I think putting it at 3-6 points is more than ok because it's like a much weaker munition.
Example Lists:
Using these points, here is a couple of fun potential fun lists I've come up with:
Quicker Than Organics:
Q9-0 (51)
Jabba The Hutt (11)
Contraband Cybernetics (3)
Sheild Upgrade (6)
Razor Crest (6)
4-LOM (49)
Advanced Sensors (11)
Lando Calrissian (Scum) (6)
Overtuned Modulators (3)
Angled Deflectors (3)
Mist Hunter (1)
L3-37 (41)
IG-11 (5)
Greedo (1)
Deadman's Switch (2)
Total: 199
I've always wanted to run a scum droids only list (that isn't only IG-88s) and with the release of the Razor Crest I finally have an opportunity to do so! This list makes use Q9-0 using both Contraband Cybernetics and Inertial Dampeners (thanks to the Razor Crest title) to take full advantage of their ability. Their Jabba crew helps keep their and 4-LOM's illicit upgrades active while you keep your opponent terrified with the double explosion that is IG-11 and Deadman's Switch.
Beskar Bounty Hunters:
The Mandalorian (55)
The Child (3)
Angled Deflectors (1)
Boba Fett (85)
Slave 1 (Jango's) (3)
Han Solo (9)
Angled Deflectors (1)
Genesis Red (31)
Proton Torpedoes (12)
Total: 200
This is list will most likely be the list I will use when it first comes out, Mando and Fett are both very tough yet hit very hard. My original version had L3-37 in the Escape Craft as a coordinator and both Mando and Boba had more upgrades, however, I feel Genesis is a much more fun and more deadly pilot to make it hard for your opponent to choose their targets.
I'm quite excited by this pack, but that being said Mando is one of my favourite characters at the moment and I fell in love with the Razor Crest as I made it for my custom version over a year ago.
I hope you found this article interesting and I'm sorry I rambled a bit, I'm doing this to prove to myself how wrong I can be!
Thank you all for reading,
Watcher Leader out.