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Custom Ship: The Razor Crest (Part Two: The Upgrades)


Spoilers for the Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2, so read with caution:

The Upgrades:

The Razor Crest:

Firstly and most importantly is the Razor Crest title itself, I decided to use the title to improve upon the ship's manoeuvrability, letting you execute a reverse manoeuvre instead of a boost. This allows you to keep the Crest even more unpredictable than normal, it's especially useful with Q9-0's ability.

Din Djarin:

I originally had Din's crew card being a redesign of his pilot ability, letting you use the original condition cards again, but only once per game. The one I've gone with is more reflective of Din throughout season 2, when he has fully embraced Grogu as his son, protecting him with his life and hunting down anyone who even thinks of hurting him. The condition, if equipped to an enemy ship, shows how Din will fixate on any one who has tried to hurt Grogu, and if equipped to a friendly ship, shows how he will protect Grogu or even one of his friends/allies with his life.


Next is Grogu himself, the adorable little son of Din (oh god I miss him already). For his ability I decided to reduce the strength of his force token because of his age, however I also tried to ensure that the ability wouldn't affect other force tokens on the ship. I also thought it would be fitting for the effect to not apply if Din’s around as Grogu tries harder if his dads there.

Greef Karga:

Now we start on Din and Grogu’s friends, first we have Greef Karga an ex middle man for the bounty hunters guild on Nevarro. Due to of his role I decided to make him similar to Jabba, letting him reward his allies by letting them recover their illicit cargo they hold. The difference between them is that because Karga is only the middle man, he can only give out the payment if his allies successfully get the target. He pairs well with both the illicit upgrade I've made for this pack, extending their usefulness.

Cara Dune:

Next is Cara Dune, the ex Rebel/New Republic dropper from Alderaan, I decided because of both her past and future she should be rebel and scum. I also decided that her past as a solo trooper should reflect her card ability, working best when she's alone, allowing her to add her range bonus. Could be useful along side Lone Wolf if the Crest is in a two ship list, where each ship is over all more expensive than you'd normally go for.


For his crew ability I decided to play around with his engineering skills again, but this time working in his time spent repairing IG-11, caring about him more than most people care about droids in the Star Wars universe. Because of this I made his ability around increasing their computing power or repairing them when damaged. Especially useful for turning this ship into a support ship or even a more effective attacker and defender with the IG-11 card.


This killing machine turned baby sitter deserved more screen time, and as much as it's sacrifice was necessary for the plot and Din's progression as a character, I'd have loved to see it in season 2 as Din's friend, even if it had started uneasily in the beginning.

For it's card I tried to show his skill as a precise hunter, able to use calculate tokens to reroll any dice. I also built in his self destruct abilities, allowing it to activate it's self destruct, to prevent it's enemies from capturing it, allowing you to replay it's heroic sacrifice, and would work well with Dead Mans Switch. This card also works well with the next talent upgrade and the crew Din, as it could perform a calculate before it moves then use the calculate to try to stop damage from an obstacle.

Tail Spray:

This card is designed to be thematic of chapter 10's chase between the Crest and the X-Wings, with Din's flying kicking up spray that covered his escape, I liked this design, using obstacles for even more cover, or even for triggering a trick shot.

For the dust cloud I imagine an obstacle the size of the spare parts obstacle that would cause no damaged and would despair during the end phase, as the dust would quickly disperse.

Devastating Loss:

This was the elephant in the room for me while making this article, I'd just finished making my prototypes for all my cards and I had fallen deeply in love with the Crest when chapter 14 aired, and it was heart braking, even more than the loss of Grogu. This card is made to show the loss for your other ships if you are destroyed, but those ships resolve to avenge you, which is especially useful on a low agility ship like the Crest as we all know they can pop easily.

Repurposed Cargo Hold:

A redesign of the 1.0 Smuggling Compartment upgrade that was a fix for a couple of ships that where released before the creation of illicit upgrades. For my redesign, this card lets you repurpose your excess space on your ship for additional crew or if you already dabble in illegal cargo, more illicit upgrades. This is amazing for the Crest to increase its crew carrying abilities, allowing it to take up to 3 crew, making you even more versatile.

Beskar Armor Plating:

This illicit upgrade is made around an idea I've had for a ship that someone has coated in a layer of Beskar to protect the ship from heavy fire. So for the card I decided give you access to a permeant reinforce that is closer to the 1.0 reinforce token, however you have to decided the reinforces arc during setup and you can only reduce 2 attacks damage before your Beskar is depleted as its incredibly rear. This is fitting for Din to have as a Mandalorian, but it is also incredibly useful to keep the already robust Crest alive for even longer.


We all loved Glitterstims in 1.0, 1 round of perfect clarity, where you always hit your target and evaded that damage, however for my 2.0 version I decided to show the downside as well. It allows you to have similar levels of clarity to the 1.0 version by giving you a load of tokens to protect yourself or increase your precision, but once its gone, your addiction kicks in and you can't shake the craving, however Greef Karga can get your fix for you, if you complete his contracts.

Unhinged Astromech:

The last upgrade for this pack, the unhinged astromech. The name and art both come form 1.0, but I complete remade the ability for 2.0 as I feel its original ability is no longer needed as scum have access to the R4 astromech. I feel the ability I've made for it suites its name and scum more, letting you have an increased chance of gaining an additional calculate but at a risk of both being stressed or losing both calculate tokens. This is good for Zero and IG-11 letting them gain access to possible additional calculate token.


Over all in this pack I've tired to capture both the essence of the scum faction with their high risk high reward nature, as well as the feeling of the ship and characters in the show. I'm sure that this ship will be made for X-Wing soon enough, but I hope in the mean time, these custom creations will bide you over. Feel free to use them in friendly games to show the rest of the X-Wing community, that "This is the way!"

Watcher Leader out.


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