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Fugitives and Collaborators, A Brief(ish) Look!


One last time (this week(maybe))...


Today I'll be looking at all the new cards revealed in the FFG article released today for the new Fugitives and Collaborators Squadron pack!

I've already made a pair of articles on the other cards we've seen for these upcoming squadron packs, if you want to give them a read first click here!

Now let's dive straight in with the new pilots revealed for the Y-Wing and HWK-290!

Gamut Key:

Starting with our one new HWK pilot (and crew), Key is a character from the Kanan comics, he was a governor of the planet Kaller, running the planet after reporting Kanan's location to the Empire. His ability is interesting as it is very similar to the Moldy Crow title for the HWK-290 which makes this practically a weaker yet better version as you can affect another ship instead (including enemy ships). This is perfect for a jousting list, helping you aid your heavy-hitting ally who may need an additional focus token or two during the first round of combat. I do love the fact that this also doesn't just affect one token or only green tokens, this means he or his allies will love Perceptive Copilot and

tractor and jam giving weapons!

Although I normally preferer different abilities for pilots and their crew versions, Key is just so versatile that I am very happy he's a crew as well! Especially as scum don't have many pure support ships, so with him and Hondo, they are finally starting to open up this avenue of ship type to aid their much heavier hitters!

Leema Kai:

On to the Y-Wings!

Leema is a commander who was hired by the First Order to run Project Resurrection operations on Athulla, a project designed to kidnap children for the First Order's growing ranks. He appeared in Battlefront Two in an N-1 Starfighter, however as Scum he will probably never get an N-1, it's nice for him to appear even here in the Y-Wing. His ability is REALLY good! I can imagine a list with him and some more terrifying ships like Fenn or Guri, forcing your opponent to either ignore Leema and risk them gaining a lock for a solid Proton Torpedo shot or ignoring the even scarier ship instead. The only downside is that a Y-Wing is inherently un-manoeuvrable, so in the heat of a dog fight Leema is not the most effective, however, the ceiling on his ability is VERY high!

Arliz Hadrassian:

A deadly x-Imperial Arliz was once a TIE pilot turned ISB agent who would go on to form the Amaxine warriors, a group designed to run missions for the First Order to soften up the galaxy for their emergence. Her ability is overall pretty good, so starting with the downside, let's be honest, Y-Wings are bad at defending! I'm sure it'll be the death of her many times, but nine out of ten times it'll just not affect your game. The upside however is wonderful! Having a passive modification on your attack rolls is just amazing and will gel well with Veteran Turret Gunner, letting her have a modification for both her attacks, increasing her chance of crippling her opponents for the First Order!

The Generics:

At first, when I quickly skimmed the article, I thought, oh nice a new generic at initiative three, not great but not bad! Then I saw initiative two and got confused, and had to read the article properly.


Admittedly there isn't too much existing in the ways of combinations that I can currently think of, however most of them (except Primed Thrusters) are just solid for the Y-Wing, and I'm sure a Y-Wing with Advanced Optics could be deadly, especially with two attacks and pair of focuses when paired with Gamut Key's ability. I do love how this immediately sets this apart as a very different variant of the Y-Wing.

I wonder though if this is them testing to see how the BTA-NR2 Y-wing we saw in the Rise Of Skywalker will work in the game as it would be very similar in design to this Y-Wing (I should probably make it soon).

I hope they are willing to do this with other starfighters that are in a similar situation, where they had almost a .5 version of the original that was halfway between the original and updated version. This would allow us to have these ships even if its isn't really necessary to have a whole new model as they look identical (cough cough my Resistance T-65 X-Wing cough cough)!


Oh wow, that actually did it!

This is a pair of upgrades that I think everyone has wondered if they'll ever make, and I think they are both perfectly done!

I love the mechanic Bounty adds, letting your scum allies be paid for their success, even if it's only once per game.

The power of these cards in X-Wing is far too strong for the standard game, so I feel it's perfect for them to fit it into the Epic format, letting you have even more detailed battles and almost start to create a story within these battles!

I would love to see an escape from Hoth scenario with Boba and the other hunters joining the Empire to get Han for Jabba!

In It For The Money:

The "light side" version of bounty, and the one I prefer just because of its more story-based mechanic. I love that fact this card makes your scum pilots feel sympathy for your cause and will eventually start to soften them with every loss they see.

I also love that the other side's title is still showing that these arrogant smugglers and hunters will still pretend to only be in it

for the money and "your rebellion" but are actually still there for the people they are now fond of inside the organisation!

I'm really happy to see all this love for epic

and I hope they keep it up as I feel some of the most fun I've had playing X-Wing is while playing stupidly large epic games where a Deadman Switch goes off, triggering 6 others and making a massive kill bubble!


Well, I think that's it for articles, for this week at least. And although I've loved writing these Brief(ish) Looks, I need some sleep! :D

Although I think this pack may not be as strong as the Phoenix Cell pack or as deadly as the Vad-I mean Skystrike Academy pack, the Fugitives and Collaborators pack may be my favourite! But then again I'm a sucker for epic stuff.

But even without the epic stuff, I think this pack is at least the most consistent with its pilots and upgrades, with all of them just being really useful and well designed.

Overall I think this pack and all the packs coming soon will be a lovely breath of fresh air for all these ships, renewing them and making them even more relevant in the game going forwards!

Thank you all for reading,

Watcher Leader.


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