Here we go again!
Today we'll be looking at the new stuff revealed by AMG. I've reviewed all the other cards from past FFG articles, so if you want to, take a look!
I will admit I had seen some spoilers about a load of the pilots, but it's good to finally get the cards and one more huge surprise!
Let's get stuck in!

Sabine Wren:
Sabine's ability is just a stronger Fearless and Concordia Faceoff smooshed together, which is incredibly fitting due to her Mandalorian heritage. It also allows her to become one of the most powerful A-Wing pilots in this pack, because we all know how annoying and hard to hit Fang Fighters are at range one! I also love how this ability works well with the new Vectored Cannons configuration upgrade, letting Sabine retreat while still being deadly and hard to hit.
And I know I'm a broken record on this last bit, but I'm glad it's not just a repeat of her other ability!

Netrem Pollard:
This is a cool ability! Netrem's ability is a pretty good way of getting around the B-Wings inherent sluggish movement, letting you easily change direction quickly after barrel rolling. The advantage of this ability is that you can focus-roll-rotate/roll-rotate-lock if you have a friendly ship nearby to pass the stress to.
At first, I thought of the other B-Wings, Braylen and Ten, as candidates for getting his stress but as they are initiative four it doesn't work for them unless they know they can't get a stress that round, which I suppose is on purpose.
This makes this Netrem an ace B-Wing pilot who can keep up with the other aces, unfortunately, he's only initiative three, but Sense or Cassian can fix that a little!

Another character from the Kanan comics, Tápusk informed the Empire of Kanan's location, and this is perfectly shown in his ability.
This ability is both wonderful and meh, it's great because when it works and you are facing a force user or a pilot with a charge based ability it cripples your opponent, but when you bring Tápusk and your opponent rocks up with 8 vultures and not force user or recurring charges, you'll be pretty sad.
This will make him weirdly priced I imagine, however, I guess that's why he's initiative five, just to give him another solid reason to be put in a list. So although I don't see him being used that much, maybe when you know your opponents have a weakness for Jedi and Sith pilots, brake him out!

Captain Dobbs:
The replacement for Vult Skerris after his death at Hera's hand, Dobbs appaired in Thrawn Treason so that a plus point in my books!
However, that being said that's mostly the end of my liking for him.
His ability lets you become ionised to practically use the selflessness ability, without damaging yourself, which is strong, amazing even, but it's on the wrong ship! The defender is one of the hardest ships to pin down and this ability makes it a sitting duck leaving him predictable and easy to catch.
This is even worse when you realise the Defender is expensive to run, and making it an easy to predict target causes you a lot of problems. I will say if he's about the same price as a Onyx Squadron Ace, I could see some use for him as he can also protect himself from damage, and being alive and predictable is better than being dead and dead.

Lieutenant Lorrir:
He's back and better than ever! Lorrir was a First Edition Pilot who didn't originally make the cut into Second Edition. His ability is practically the same as his old ability, except now, its just the StarVipers' Microthrusters ability, where before it gave him the choice, but he became stressed. Although having options is always nice, this version is just better, letting Lorrir become a much more flexible ace and hard to catch pilot, as we all know how slippery Vipers can be in the right hands. However like with Netrem in the B-Wing, his low initiative is a bit of a killer as you have no real advantage over most other aces.

Trident-class assault ship:
Let's talk about the squid in the room...
Before we talk about the Trident's cards and other stuff, let's just appreciate the model here, it looks absolutely gorgeous!
I'm an epic fan (if you couldn't tell from my recent articles) and have all five of my ships on display above my desk and I can't wait to get my hands on this one and have it right in the centre!
However moving on to talking about the cards, it's quite a weak epic ship... But I like it that way!

Not all epics should be world endingly powerful, some can just be bigger big ships. That being said, the talk about giving the Trident the ability to use its tentacles in the game seems very strong and SOOOOOO COOOOOL, it will make it feel so thematic. I'm excited to see what the Tractor Tentacles attack is, and what it can do, especially as if they had to put text in the ship ability for it, it probably means there is a lot in that card.
It's also nice to see the special cards they've made for smooth solo play with this ship. Hopefully, they'll release some more cards like these for the other epic ships and a more generic pack for standard ships as well!
Overall this ship looks like it's going to be deadly efficient at breaking both the enemy fleet and my bank!
I wait for it impatiently!
Stop it AMG, you already have control of my wallet, don't wring it dry, there's nothing left!
As I said before most of the pilot's text had been spoiled so I knew of it vaguely, however, the sudden appearance of a massive Squid has made my week (and I'm currently sitting in first I the Rogue Outpost League(until everyone has played their games(it's nice to be there even for a little while)))
Although I've already seen some disappointment over some of the pilots, I think overall they are all good in their own way and I think what some of them need is some more unconventional tactics to make them work (unconventional tactics, that should be the squadron motto, I'll update the logo!).
I'm also super happy to see more love going to epic, and I know not everyone is into it, but the stupid fun you can have while playing epic is truly wonderful!
I think this year is going to be a good year for X-Wing!
Thank you all for reading,
Watcher Leader out.