Captains log, stardate 99629.96;
“Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise” - William Riker
Throughout the life of the United Federation of Planets, the flagship of Starfleet has always held the name of Enterprise. Boldly leading the people of the UFP into the harsh, chaotic and wonderful unknown of deep space exploration, and if there is one ship that embodies this more than the others, the Galaxy-class Enterprise D would be that ship.
The Galaxy-class Explorer was the UFP’s latest and most advanced starship of the late 24th century, quickly becoming the standard the Federation and even other powers held their ships to.
With a length of 642.51 meters and a width of 463.73 meters, this was not the largest ship active in the Alpha and Beta quadrants at the time, but it was still a respectable size.
As the Federation’s flagship and main powerhouse, the Galaxy-Class will fill these roles in your fleets, being a mid-sized command ship with solid amounts of firepower, durability and speed.

Galaxy-Class Explorer:
This medium base ship, like most Federation ships, mainly makes use of the phaser array. Because of this, its main armament is blue dice, and a fair amount of them too. This combined with the pair of red torpedo dice in its front and rear to indicate its forward and rear-facing torpedo tubes, the Explorer variant is still well rounded even though it’s classified as a scientific vessel.
Galaxy X-Class Dreadnaught:
Seen in the aborted timeline shown to the crew by Q, the Galaxy-X was a heavily refitted variant of the Galaxy Class, redesigned for war and protecting the Federation. Although the Galaxy-X has the same basic armaments as the Explorer variant, it gains access to a very powerful Phaser Lance ignition attack to devastate your enemies. This combined with its more aggressive upgrade load-outs makes this a true warship to protect the Federation.

USS Enterprise D:
The flagship of the Federation, the Enterprise was normally the ship most captains would look up to and follow into battle. It’s also the ship where the best officers are given their assignments, meaning this ship has one of the hardest working and flexible crews in Starfleet and so a very reliable ship to lead your fleets into battle.
USS Yamato:
The sister ship to the Enterprise D, the Yamato played cat and mouse with Romulan Warbirds while exploring in the Neutral Zone, keeping her and her crew safe long enough to escape, even if they were eventually destroyed due to an Iconian virus in their computer. This upgrade shows the Yamato’s hide and seek skills by letting you use obstacles as the perfect cover.
Jean Luc Picard:
Possibly one of the most famous captains in Starfleet, Picard was seen as the epitome of the Federation’s ideals. While leading your fleets he holds onto these ideals while he still tries to find common ground between him and his enemies, trying to protect all life and de-escalate the violence where he can.

William Riker:
Picard’s first officer and one of the Federations best up and coming soon to be captains, Riker was a little more hands-on and rash than his captain, but he was loyal and would give his life for his captain and crew! So as an officer on your ship he can protect your other officers or your fleet commander from being discarded or exhausted. This could be from their own doing or enemy boarding teams.
A Soong-type android, the first and only such being to ever enter Starfleet. Data made good use of his advanced positronic brain to use his quick calculations and fast reflexes to be an asset to Starfleet. As an officer on your ships, he can quickly change your command to react to an enemies tactics.
Dianna Troi:
The Enterprise D’s ships counsellor, Troi was a telepath, allowing her to be an asset to captain Picard even during combat missions as she could be used to tell the crew their enemies emotions and from that start to deduce their plans. This makes her a very valuable asset in your fleet, giving you warning about your enemies commands.

As the first Klingon in Starfleet, Worf is a rarity as he’s both an exemplary Starfleet officer and a skilled Klingon Warrior. This makes him possibly one of the best tactical officers in the fleet, allowing him to use his Klingon aggression to make attacks that normal Starfleet officers won’t be able to do. He also holds a special role as a multi-faction upgrade allowing him to join his Klingon brothers and sisters in arms!
Geordi La Forge:
The Enterprise D’s chief engineer, La Forge is one of the best engineers in the fleet as he’s out there dealing with and learning from new technologies every day. Although his ability is very basic, it is never the less very useful and will help to keep your ship alive as long as possible.
Preservation Over Extermination:
One of the core ideals of the Federation is the preservation of all lives. This means even if they are unsuccessful at destroying enemy ships, but can force them into a retreat instead, they see it as just as much a victory as destroying the whole fleet. This mechanic is similar to the Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 half points system.

The Galaxy-Class is the epitome of Federation design, a ship built to explore and expand the ever-growing knowledge of the UFP, but a ship that can also stand strong and draw a line in the sand to protect the Federation from outside threats.
I've taken inspiration from Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 and not included points on the ship cards so I can adjust them in the future!
You can find the points for every ship and upgrade on this document!
If you like the look of this ship and cards and wish to use them, please go here to find my Galaxy-Class Ship Pack for sale at only £1. It includes all the files for all the cards in this article as well as the ship base plates so you can print them out and use this ship in the game.
The cost is to fund my purchase of some test ship models from Shapways as I'm working with Armadillo Miniatures to hopefully bring the community star Trek Armada ships that are scaled to the game! Please check out their already wonderful store!
Thank you for reading,
Computer, end log.